Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rainbows among us.

It is so interesting to watch your child's personality develop over the years. Sometimes I think, "wow, she sounds like me. Or... yep, that is totally Marcelo." But then more often than not.. it's just all Bela. When we saw the rainbow on Monday, I said "Rainbow, you are just beautiful!" Bela looks right at it and states, "Yes! You must tell us where you got that dress!"

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bela'sBytes - June 3, 2011

Bela: "Mom, do you want to hear a song that me and my friends made up yesterday at school?" Me:"Sure!"

Bela then begins singing:

"Can you hear me? I am following my dreams. Yeah. Oooh. Every time I look into your eyes. I feel like I am paralyzed. Yeah. Ooooh."

Abruptly stops singing. "Mom, we were wondering what 'paralyzed'means?"

So I tell her. She then says: "Ooh. We better find another word that rhymes with eyes. Maybe denies. I will tell the girls what paralyze means."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BelaByte - May 16, 2011

Bela had to spend a little time in the Nurse's office at school for redness in her eye. She gave me this little nugget on the drive home from school.

"Mom, I read this poster in Nurse Baker's office today. It said that kids need 1 hour a day of activity. So I will be doing 1 hour of piano a day I guess from now on."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bela's Bytes - Bunny Bites

"I am saving the butt for last." -Bela got a dark chocolate bunny from the Easter bunny this year. It was solid and quite challenging to bite into. So Marcelo cut it up into pieces and put it in the refrigerator. She and I were snacking on it, and she showed me a piece that had a round little bump on one side. (the tail)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bela'sBytes - April 26

Bela is on Spring Break this week, and we are considering going to see HOP the movie. I was looking up the movie's ratings on parenting website. Found out that it is rated PG for some rude humor, words are used like "stupid" and "idiot." I told Bela what I found out. She said, "Mom, I think it's like a life lesson. Some kids might see that in the movie, and their Moms will say.. 'we don't use rude words like those sweetie.' and then the kids won't use those words, because they will see how awful it looks in the movie."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bela'sBytes - April 12, 2011

Bela: "Mom, a few week after Easter, I am going to be taking the SAT 10 at school. Please please pray for me. I am really nervous about taking them."

Me: "Sure honey, I really know you will work hard and do great!"

Bela: "Thanks. Mom, what are SAT 10's?"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bela'sBytes -March 24, 2011 Part Two

Bela "Mom, today could you buy brown eggs?" Me: "Maybe, why?" Bela: "I just think they are so cute!"